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Under the Moto Think Act Change, Dr. Hind ARROUB founded Institut Hypatia d’Alexandrie pour la Reflexion et les Etudes I.H.A.R.E (Hypatia of Alexandria Institute for Reflexion and Studies).

HYPATIA INSTITUTE , based in Rabat, is an independent think tank targeting political, social and human rights studies in Morocco and the Arab world as a whole.

The main goal of the Hypatia is Thinking and Acting for the Change and the after Change in The Arab World.

The purpose behind creating an independent and nonpartisan Think Tank is to elaborate on the reflection and a scientific research related to social and political issues in the contemporary Morocco and The Arab World. In addition to other issues related to their national and international spaces.

Context and Content

This initiative aims at elaborating a reflection and studies pertaining to contemporary Morocco and the Arab world through an analysis of their political, social and economic problems and through a scientific contribution to the movement of rebellion and public debate working towards change. This will be reached through a lab of ideas and a debate between representatives of different political, economic, social and cultural fields.

This kind of structure is new in Morocco and in other Arab countries where reflection is becoming mandatory for a thorough understanding of these regions in order to reach a tangible change and post-change.

The goal of this independent and nonpartisan Think Tank is to understand and deal with problems like unemployment, terrorism, fundamentalism, human rights suppression, freedom of speech and the high cost of living that hamper the humanization, democratization and the development of the Arab societies and threaten the social peace.

On the other hand, this project looks into finding solutions and implementing political proposals and social alternatives for a sustainable, equitable, and prosperous society.

The project’s driving force is social movement and mobilization work for a sought- for change. Its realization will pave the way for a new social role of the academic research and researchers and to encourage more women’s presence in the scientific fields.


Promote the role of research and reflection on political, social and economic issues by:

– Elaborating studies

– Realizing research programs

– Encouraging women to become researchers

– Supporting young researchers with advice and scholarships.

– Promoting a scientific debate and taking part in public debates

– Coming up with policy proposals and social alternatives

– Training in the scientific field research


– Policy Advisory/ Program

– Consulting

– Establishing a research agenda by holding one study a year at the beginning

– Studies outside the program

– Seminars, roundtables, conferences, colloquia, workshops…etc

– Research internships for student researchers

– Publication of researchers’ Arabic translations

– Translation of high quality scientific work

– Creation of a website

– Working in conjunction with other centers of reflection overseas for an exchange of expertise.


Founder’s resources and fundraising.


Collaborations and partnerships with other Think tanks counterparts, research institutes, universities, NGOs for an exchange of expertise and technical support.


To ensure transparency and credibility, the institute will submit annual reports: ethical report on the evaluation of its activities and a financial report on its resources management.


Strengthening the social role of the scientific research, the role of lobbying and influence and developing alternative public policies.

They Trust us


  • international association of political science students
  • Varities of Democracy
  • World Bank
  • International Monetary Funds
  • American political Science Association
  • UN WOMEN Maghreb
  • UNDP
  • The Swedish International Development Agency-Sweden
  • Regional Partnership on Culture and Development/ RPCD
  • Le Centre de Marseille pour l’Intégration en Méditerranée (CMI)
  • The American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS)
  • Yale University
  • EU-Middle East Forum/ German Council on Foreign Relations (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. –DGAP)
  • MAECENATA Stiftung – Germany
  • Middle East North Africa Governance Center- Germany
  • SSC Europe- Germany
  • Commission Arabe des Droits Humains / ACHR- France
  • The International Council for Small Business (ICSB)
  • the Nederland’s network of the Citizen& State of Law for Alternative Studies-Nederlands: Stichting Netwerk Burger en Rechtsstaat